Wednesday, May 23, 2012

no big deal...just a honeymoon trip

Oh my goodness! I am just so excited for this weekend! In just three short days, the husband and I will be in St. Lucia with our toes and butts in the sand (squeal). 

We decided before we got married to put off the honeymoon for about 6 months after our wedding so that we could save up some money for it (weddings are so expensive, right?!), and we also liked the idea of reconnecting with each other half way through our first year. However, we never got around to it! We were both busy with work and that whole saving money thing didn't quite work out like we wanted it to. BUT here we are, almost two years later, and we are taking our honeymoon finally! 

We decided that we wanted sun and sand and an all-inclusive resort so we wouldn't have to budget out our trip...enter Sandals La Toc in St. Lucia. We got a crazy amazing deal and just went for it! I can't wait to rest and recharge and have my guy all to myself for a full week - it is going to be so amazing, I just know it!

Sidenote: Thanh is just the cutest - he is like a little kid when it comes to looking forward to things. He hasn't been sleeping well, and it's because he is so excited about the trip and can't stop thinking about all the things we have planned. Adorable, right?!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

a blogger crush - a blog about love

Have you ever stumbled upon a new blog and then 3 hours later you discover you have read EVERY SINGLE POST in one sitting?! This doesn't happen to me often, but when it does, I am so thankful for it. Thankful, because I feel inspired afterwards, and inspiration is like a first kiss (nervous excitement teetering on the edge of throwing up or complete bliss while trying to figure out what to do next).

Enter Mara & Danny Kofoed of A Blog About Love. Just look at those angelic faces so full of love!


The first time I read the "About This Blog" page, I was instantly hooked. Here was this couple that found each other and were truly, blissfully happy even though they had been, and were still going through, tough trials in life. As if that wasn't enough to keep me salivating over the computer screen, I noticed that Mara had a collection of Infertility posts where she opened her heart, soul, and mind to convey her feelings about her own struggles with infertility. As a person who is new at dealing with these type of raw emotions, I knew the reason why I stumbled upon this blog: Mara and Danny were here to help my husband and I not only get past the difficulties we were dealing with, but to teach us how to thrive through them.

All of their posts are beautifully worded first hand accounts of their daily activities, obstacles, and accomplishments that truly turn your perspective on life upside down and cause you to start to think of it in a new, enhanced way. Mara and Danny's posts touch on love, marriage, acceptance, self-worth, health, and their wonderful love story that is almost too good to be true...almost :) To say that I highly recommend this blog would be a vast understatement!