Thursday, March 21, 2013

Throwback Thursday: Ep 01

Since joining Instagram, I just love all the little hashtags that people use to describe their pictures/products and so on. By far, my favorite is Throwback Thursday (#tbt or #throwbackthursday). It is just so fun to not only reminisce about your own golden days, but to also see the old school pictures that other people put up as well.

I think I'll start doing that here and put in a little story that goes with each picture. Here is the first one:

This is Thanh and I in 2008 in Charlotte, NC. Since he is from North Carolina and a Panthers fan, and I am from Louisiana and a Saints fan, we would always go to the Panthers/Saints games when we lived in Charlotte. It is a fun little rivalry we have going on, and we can't wait to carry on the tradition, now in New Orleans, since we have moved. (Geaux Saints ;)

P.S. Seriously, how big are my hoop earrings?! J-Lo called...she wants her Jenny from the Block style back.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

yaurie - our little fur baby

Our little girl, Yaurie, passed away about a month ago. It is still so hard to think and talk about as she was a huge part of our little family.

As with any loss, I think you struggle with your feelings and how to navigate through such a tough time. I like to think that maybe if her departure from us wasn't so sudden and tragic, we could have accepted it in a better way, but I just don't know.

I miss her meeting me at the door with a happy face, and the way she walked sideways sometimes, and the noise that her collar made, and how she would play with me on the floor, and the way she would get a mohawk down her back as she saw another dog, and when she would bark in her dreams, and even her bad breath. I just hope she knew how much we truly loved her and how saddened we are by her absence.

"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole." - Roger Caras

Monday, March 18, 2013

Etsy & Me - True Friends

Rope bangle A ///  Turquoise, Pink and Coral 

I was introduced to Etsy more than 5 years ago by a friend who was selling her artwork on the site. From them on, I have been hooked. 

At first, I thought that I would get in on the DIY craze and start crafting for sale, but in the end, I just decided to do my shopping there know, keeping it light and fun for me as all shopping should be. Am I right?

Vintage Ballerina Print - Book Plate - Alexandra Danilova - Coppelia

Besides all of the great products/options available on this site, I love that buying from an artist on Etsy always feels like I'm supporting "local". Does that makes sense? Homemade goods from people trying to make an honest living just seems right. I guess that feeling is partially responsible for my daily stalking habits of the site. 

Just Beat It Flour Sack Tea Towel 

What are some of your favorite shops? I'd love to get introduced to more of them for future present opportunities!