Friday, September 13, 2013

making friends as adults

When you're younger, making friends just happens. You are in the same ballet class with some girls and become close. In middle and high school, you spend all day in class around the same people every day and naturally become friends with "everyone". You play a sport and your teammates become your family. You go to college and find new friends in the dorms or in sororities. But what happens once you graduate and get a big girl job?

Nothing...nothing at all.

You're older now and most of the "friends" you had in the past quickly prove to be not worth the effort as either they have not grown up or you have just noticed what huge, selfish, douchebags they indeed are. Either way, you are on your own. I mean, there are those best friends that you still talk to over the phone and would do anything for, but they don't live in your town. Everyone moves on with their lives and sometimes those lives are in different states and cities. In this case, your social calendar is open and you really just want to have a drink with someone.

Here comes the awkward stage of meeting new friends: asking them out. So weird...I get nervous and start to doubt how truly fun I am. Usually it goes like this: "Hey. So there is this outdoor concert going on this Friday night. I don't know if you would be interested, but my husband and I are's free...and supposed to be nice outside...and you can bring drinks...if you drink and all...if not that's cool...but if Friday isn't good or you don't really like music...that's cool too." <--WTH? Sounds pretty pathetic to me.

Tell me this happens to you too. How do you meet people if you don't have children and work from home? Anyone?